1066 and All That

1066 and All That  

Later paperback edition (circa late 1960s).
Author(s) W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman
Original title 1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates
Illustrator John Reynolds, Steven Appleby (75th anniversary edition)
Country England
Language English
Genre(s) Parody
Publisher Methuen Publishing
Publication date c. 1930s
Published in
October 16th, 1930
Media type Print
Pages 172
ISBN 978-0413-77270-1
OCLC Number 51486473
Followed by And Now All This

1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates is a tongue-in-cheek reworking of the history of England. Written by W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman and illustrated by John Reynolds, it first appeared serially in Punch magazine, and was published in book form by Methuen & Co. Ltd. in 1930.



The book is a parody of the Whiggish style of history teaching in English schools at the time, in particular of Our Island Story. It purports to contain "all the history you can remember", and, in fifty-two chapters, covers the history of England from Roman times through 1066 "and all that", up to the end of World War I, at which time "America was thus clearly Top Nation, and history came to a ." (This last chapter is titled "A Bad Thing"; the final pun even requires the English term "full stop", rather than the American "period", to work.) It is based on the idea that history is what you can remember and is full of examples of half-remembered facts.

Although the subtitle states that the book comprises "103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates", the book's preface mentions that originally four dates were planned, but last-minute research revealed that two of them were not memorable. The two dates that are referenced in the book are 1066, the date of the Battle of Hastings and the Norman invasion of Britain (Chapter XI) and 55 BC, the date of the first Roman invasion of Britain under Julius Caesar (Chapter I). However, when the date of the Roman invasion is given, it is immediately followed by mention of the fact that Caesar was "compelled to invade Britain again the following year (54 BC, not 56, owing to the peculiar Roman method of counting)". Despite the confusion of dates the Roman Conquest is the first of 103 historical events in the book characterised as a Good Thing, "since the Britons were only natives at that time".

Chapter II begins "that long succession of Waves of which History is chiefly composed", the first of which, here, is composed of Ostrogoths, Visigoths, mere Goths, Vandals and Huns. Later examples are the 'Wave of Saints', who include the Venomous Bead (Chapter III); 'Waves of Pretenders', usually divided into smaller waves of two: an Old Pretender and a Young Pretender (Chapter XXX); plus the 'Wave of Beards' in the Elizabethan era (Chapter XXXIII).

In English history Kings are either 'Good' or 'Bad'. The first 'Good King' is the confusingly differentiated King Arthur/Alfred (Chapter V). Bad Kings include King John who when he came to the throne showed how much he deserved this epithet when he "lost his temper and flung himself on the floor, foaming at the mouth and biting the rushes" (Chapter XVIII). The death of Henry I from "a surfeit of palfreys" (recorded in other historical works as a "surfeit of lampreys") (Chapter XIII) proves to be a paradigmatic case of the deaths of later monarchs through a surfeit of over-eating or other causes. Other memorable monarchs include the Split King Henry IV, Part 1 and Henry IV, Part 2 and Broody Mary.

Memorable events in English history include the Disillusion of the Monasteries (Chapter XXXI); the struggle between the Cavaliers (characterised as "Wrong but Wromantic") and the Roundheads (characterised as "Right but Repulsive") in the English Civil War (Chapter XXXV); and The Industrial Revelation (Chapter XLIX).

The book also contains five joke 'Test Papers' interspersed among the chapters, which contain nonsense instructions including the famous "Do not on any account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once" (Test Paper V) and "Do not attempt to answer more than one question at a time" (Test Paper I) and such unanswerable questions as "How far did the Lords Repellent drive Henry III into the arms of Pedro the Cruel? (Protractors may not be used.)" (Test Paper II).

Musical comedy

In 1938, the musical comedy 1066—and all that: A Musical Comedy based on that Memorable History by Sellar and Yeatman was produced. The book and lyrics were by Reginald Arkell; the music was composed by Alfred Reynolds. It was revived at the Palace Theatre, London in 1945.

Similar works

1066 and All That inspired Paul Manning's 1984 and All That, dealing with the subsequent history of Britain and the rest of the world up to 1984, and written in the same style, with similar prose, illustrations and tests. ("What caused the Wall Street Crash? Speculate wildly.") The title also refers to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Scoular Anderson has written a humorous history of Scotland in two volumes: 1314 and All That and 1745 and All That. Although the titles reflect Sellar and Yeatman's work, the style of writing and illustration is very different.

In 2005 Craig Brown released 1966 and All That, which copied the book's style (including elements like the end of chapter tests), recounting the remainder of the twentieth century.

Richard Armour's book It All Started With Columbus (1953, revised 1961) treats the history of the United States, from 1492 to the JFK presidency, in a manner that owes a great deal to Sellar and Yeatman ("Ferdinand and Isabella refused to believe the world was round, even when Columbus showed them an egg"). Acknowledging the deep debt, Armour dedicated his book to Sellar and Yeatman.

Dave Barry's 1989 book Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States is another treatment of American history reminiscent of 1066 and All That, though Sellar and Yeatman are nowhere acknowledged. ("The first major president to be elected after the War of 1812 was President Monroe Doctrine, who became famous by developing the policy for which he is named.")

Matthew Sturgis' book 1992 and All This (Macmillan, 1991) is a "humorous look at Europe in preparation for 1992 when Britain officially becomes part of the Continent. Much of the humour focuses on the differences between the British and the Europeans."

Malcolm Knox's 2009 book 1788 Words or Less gives a Sellar and Yeatman-esque twist to the history of Australia.

Richard Minadeo's 2011 book 1492 and All That - A Fool's History of the USA is an American version of the British classic.

Works with titles inspired by 1066

The title was adapted by Raymond F. Streater and Arthur S. Wightman for their (serious) textbook on axiomatic quantum field theory, PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That. This in turn influenced the titles of several other books, monographs, and papers on mathematical physics. There is also an introductory vector calculus text by H.M. Schey called Div, Grad, Curl, and all that.

Australian cricketer and cartoonist Arthur Mailey had taken all 10 wickets for 66 runs in a first class match during the 1921 tour of England, and hence titled his 1958 autobiography 10 for 66 And All That.

Welsh rock band Mclusky recorded the song "1956 and All That" for their third album The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on Fire.

1089 and All That—A Journey into Mathematics is a popular mathematics book by David Acheson.

Amo, Amas, Amat... and All That: How to Become a Latin Lover by Harry Mount is a guide to (and celebration of) the Latin language.

In 1992, Robert Royal wrote 1492 And All That: Political Manipulations of History. From the dust jacket: "Spurning the false idealism and bland caricatures of historical actors that distort the arguments of both sides, Robert Royal surveys the available facts and political positions about Columbus and his legacy and seeks to find the truth among them. His provocative analysis recommends a better-balanced reading of our past and a wise use of that base for determining our common future."

In the 1960s, the railway enthusiasts' book "Four feet eight and a half and all that" was published in a comparable style by G. R. Mills, with the same mixture of puns and humour, which will be best appreciated by those who know their subject already. Now out of print but a collectors item. The title is a reference to the standard gauge of railway tracks.

In 2000, John W. O'Malley, SJ, published Trent and All That: Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era. The book deals with historians' attempts to describe, name, and understand the "Catholic side" of Reformation-era Europe. The title is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that most historians give the subject little thought beyond vague references to the Council of Trent.

See also


Further reading